Fetish's Cel Gallery
Crimson Wolf

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The story goes like this:
Three professors find the archeological find of the century: the tomb of ghengis khan! However, they awaken the mummy causing a reign of terror that will begin in 1000 days unless they find and kill the Hong Lang (Crimson Wolf) before then....according to Ghengis Khan. However, a government spy has a different opinion...he manages to gather all of the Crimson Wolf together (there is some twist at this part)...and battle the GOKU (Ghengis Khan included).

12-13-04: I finally watched this film! And I loved it. Now I know I have a weakness for those with cheese! (and nudity!) The scenery was really great in this film, also.
















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Curator: fetish4minx
Gallery Created: 6/18/2003
Hits: 57813

Presentation 8.51/10   Collection 8.82/10   Overall 8.52/10   Votes 43 votes
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